Made my own tempeh!

I soaked a cup of soybeans overnight, then ground them in my food processor with water. I cooked this for 30 minutes. Then I strained the beans through cheesecloth. I saved both the milk as well as the solids, which are called okara.Then I Mixed in half a teaspoon of starter I’d bought online. Then I incubated it in a silicon loaf pan covered with foil for 2 days in my oven with just the pilot light on. Could also do this in a crockpot on the warm setting. When uncovered the loaf pan, viola! ,There was this nice white mold which had bonded the okara into a solid white cake throughout… It didn’t have much of an odor at all. I’ll let ya know if it tastes good. I have it in the refrigerator now. I spent much less money making my own.

I may make yogurt with the soy milk.

Here is how to make your own starter, which I’d found out how to online…

Tempeh starter:
Make tempeh as usual, but for one batch use gallon size plastic bag–pat mixture out very thin. After mycelleum covers tempeh and black spots form on holes in bag, slit edges with sharp knife or razor blade .Remove from bag and place tempeh on dry cloth in same warm place where it grew. Let surface become mottled or blackish with spores. Next crumble on plate and let air dry for a day, mix with equal parts rice flour, dry again for day and grind to powder in electric coffee/grain grinder (the kind with blade). Use about 1 Teaspoonsful per batch–as usual–but may need to adjust up depending on how many spores you let grow before drying and grinding.

This might be so helpful snog… thanks for this… But this might be time consuming… Hope I have enough time