Graham's Sultana Biscuits


      o 125 g butter
      o 1/2 cup sugar
      o 2 T milk
      o 1 dessert spoon golden syrup
      o 1 t baking soda
      o 1 3/4 cups flour
      o 1/2 cup sultanas
      o 1 t vanilla essence 

In a large saucepan melt butter, then add sugar, milk, syrup and soda, mixing until it fizzes. Remove from heat and leave to cool. Stir in flour, sultanas and vanilla essence. Mix well.

Roll into little golf balls and place on a well-greased or baking-paper-lined tray. Press down with a wet fork. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 160C. Leave on the baking tray for one minute then carefully remove to a wire rack to cool. Store in an airtight container.

Yield: “36 biscuits”

The recipe itself tastes very delicious! I wonder, when this biscuits will get baked, it will smell so sweet and wonderful. I am crazy for cheese layer which you mentioned that we can add, I guess increases the softness in the cafe. Too much mouth-watering one! Also, I like vanilla and orange/ lemon flavour, but as this is something new, gonna surely try for it.