Deli Style Cheesecake


      o 1 1/4 cups water
      o 2/3 cup maple syrup
      o 1/2 cup brown rice syrup
      o 1/2 cup raw cashew pieces
      o 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
      o 4 T agar flakes
      o 3 T arrowroot or cornstarch
      o 1 T vanilla extract
      o 1 t salt
      o 1 lb / 450 g tofu, drained and crumbled (firm, regular is recommended, but others work just as well in my experience)
      o 1 prepared cheesecake crust 

Preheat your oven to 350F/180C. Place all of the ingredients, except the tofu, in a blender or food processor and mix until smooth and creamy. Pour half of the mixture into a bowl and set it aside.

Gradually add half of the crumbled tofu to the mixture in the food processor, and blend once again until completely smooth. Pour the mixture carefully and evenly into a prepared crust. Do the same again with the remaining tofu and reserved mixture. Smooth out the top with a rubber spatula.

Bake for 1 hour, cool at room temperature, and then chill at least four hours before serving. The top will crack while cooling, just like ‘real’ cheesecake.

The recipe itself tastes very delicious! I wonder, when this cake will get baked, it will smell so sweet and wonderful. I am crazy for cheese layer which you mentioned that we can add, I guess increases the softness in the cafe. Too much mouth-watering one! Also, I like vanilla and orange/ lemon flavour, but as this is something new, gonna surely try for it.