Avocados aren't a healthy choice

False - Avocados contain monounsaturated fat, which has a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels. As part of a healthy diet it’s important to reduce the amount of saturated fat we eat and replace it with unsaturated fat, as well as reducing the total amount of fat we eat. This means avocados are a healthy choice. Half an avocado also counts as one of the five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables we should be eating each day. However, avocados do contain fat and eating too much of any food containing fat can lead to weight gain if the energy isn’t used up through physical activity.

avocados are one of my favorites. it is absolutely healthy and has a lot of nutrients. Avocados are rich in Vitamin E too that is why it is mostly present on some beauty products. For me, avocado is very healthy!

I love eating it just the way it is… slice the avocado, remove the seed and get a spoon to scoop the meat… yummmmm