Help Ban the Horse-drawn carriages in Montréal

Hello everyone,

As a Montréal resident, I was saddened to learn that the Today Show special in my city on July 14, 2011 with Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford featured the Calèches (horse-drawn carriages).

I am one of the many people here in Montréal who want this industry banned for good.

Unfortunately, few know that the horses live in miserable conditions. They receive little or no food, water and rest. They work long hours in extreme heat beyond the 30°C limit of the by-law.

The truth about the Calèches:

  1. The horses work long hours under extreme weather conditions with temperatures reaching 30°C not considering the humidex.

2)The horses, some of which are delicate thoroughbreds, carry more passengers than are allowed.

3)The horses stand and move on pavement, which causes painful injury to their legs.

4)The horses have no downtime – they work continuously. Profit is motive for the cruelty.

5)It is dangerous for the tourists as horses are easily spooked by the noisy city traffic in the congested historic center often causing accidents.

The regulations to enforce the by-laws are not taken seriously. And of course, the drivers and owners have no interest in respecting them.

This is cruel industry that tries to squeeze as much blood as it can out of these delicate creatures.

A horse already died last year in Québec City!

Let’s write letters to NBC encouraging them to broadcast another show in Montréal educating people on how to enjoy the many beautiful aspects of our city without harming the horses. It is possible to enjoy Montréal without a Calèche ride.

Thank you.
~Anti-Calèche Defense Coalition~