Ban Bullhook in Virginia

For those in live in the state of Virginia who care about elephants and really want to help these magnificent creatures and relieve one of the most painful aspects of their life when forced to live in captivity and perform in circuses or phony zoos, there is a bill now being introduced in our General Assembly that would ban the use of the cruel bull hook. This device inflicts much pain on the elephant and is considered to be on of the most inhumane devices to be used on any animal.

The bill is HB 302 and to reach your delegate to support this much needed legislation here is the link to find your delegate and contact information: … tentTabs=0

These elephants need our help. They have helped us being beasts of burden long enough and now is payback time so let’s help Virginia to be the first state to outlaw the use of this insidious device and make the elephant’s life less miserable and more comfortable.